Background: In the present scenario, diabetes is a growing health challenge, and its occurrence
is growing across the globe. Diabetes, with its complications like diabetic wounds, vasculopathy,
neuropathy, wound infections, and oxidative stress, is a serious cause of mortality worldwide.
Introduction: Among the various complications, treatment of diabetic foot and ulcers is one of the
major concerns in patients who are suffering from diabetes. The causative factors for this condition
include increased oxidative stress, high blood glucose levels, vascular insufficiency, and microbial
infections, and many a time, if left untreated, it may even lead to amputations of the lower extremities.
The present therapy for the treatment of diabetic wounds mainly involves the use of synthetic
moieties and other biotechnology-derived biomolecules, including growth factors. Few plant products
are also useful in the treatment of wounds.
Methods: Essential oils derived from various herbs are reported to possess significant wound healing
potential and promote blood clotting, help to fight infections, and accelerate the wound healing
process. Hence, the present review is a systematic analysis of all the available data on the use of
the natural oils with their biological source, active phytochemical constituents present, and the
probable mechanism of action for the treatment of chronic and diabetic wounds in suitable animal
models. A methodical collection of data was performed, and information was searched up to April
2020 in entirety. Key phrases used for the data search include the pathophysiology of wounds, diabetic
foot wound and its complications, natural oils for chronic and diabetic wound treatment.
Results: This review summarizes the natural oils which are reported in the literature to be beneficial
in the treatment of chronic wounds, while some oils have been specifically also studied against
wounds in diabetic rats. Essential oils are said to interact with the body pharmacologically, physiologically
and psychologically and help in rapid wound healing. However, the majority of the literature
studies have demonstrated wound healing activity only in animal models (preclinical data),
and further clinical studies are necessary.
Conclusion: This review provides a platform for further studies on the effective utilization of natural
oils in the treatment of chronic and diabetic wounds, especially if oils are to receive credibility
in the management of chronic wounds.
Chronic wounds, diabetes, diabetic wounds, herbal oils, natural oils, wound management.
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