With the current scenario of emerging drug-resistant microbial strains, there prevails a continuous threat to health and the development of new antimicrobial agents is a challenging task. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) has proven to elevate the likelihood of finding a new pharmacophore. Intermolecular binding like hydrophobic bond, electrostatic and steric interactions helps to understand drug interaction with the receptors. Some common conclusions have been drawn after analyzing diverse case studies. Few descriptors were identified to be common in enhancing the antimicrobial activity. The structural features modifying the antimicrobial activity were analyzed using critically published results from significant QSAR studies on antimicrobial compounds. This commentary will assist the synthetic chemist in synthesizing novel derivatives, which could be potential antimicrobial compounds.
Keywords: Quantitative structure activity relationships, antimicrobial, drug-resistance, descriptors.