Objective: Medical image processing is an exciting research area. In this paper, we proposed
new brain tumor detection and classification model using MR brain images to help the doctors
in early detection and classification of the brain tumor with high performance and best accuracy.
Materials: The model was trained and validated using five databases, including BRATS2012,
BRATS2013, BRATS2014, BRATS2015, and ISLES-SISS 2015.
Methods: The advantage of the hybrid model proposed is its novelty that is used for the first time;
our new method is based on a hybrid deep convolution neural network and deep watershed auto-encoder
(CNN-DWA) model. The method consists of six phases, first phase is input MR images, second
phase is preprocessing using filter and morphology operation, third phase is matrix that represents
MR brain images, fourth is applying the hybrid CNN-DWA, fifth is brain tumor classification,
and detection, while sixth phase is the performance of the model using five values.
Results: The novelty of our hybrid CNN-DWA model showed the best results and high performance
with accuracy around 98% and loss validation 0, 1. Hybrid model can classify and detect
the tumor clearly using MR images; comparing with other models like CNN, DNN, and DWA, we
discover that the proposed model performs better than the above-mentioned models.
Conclusion: Depending on the better performance of the proposed hybrid model, this helps in developing
computer-aided system for early detection of brain tumors and helps the doctors to diagnose
the patients better.
Brain tumor, MRI, hybrid CNN-DWA, classification, detection, accuracy, and loss validation.
Graphical Abstract
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