Background: Plants-derived bioactive compounds play an important role in traditional and modern medicine, and some of the best examples are morphine, papaverine, vinblastine, vincristine and ephedrine. Flavonoids are the naturally occurred phenolic compounds found to be present in the different medicinal plants and responsible for their attractive shades in nature. Flavonoids compounds have been well known in medicine for their anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlipidemia and anti-apoptotic activities.
Methods: In order to know the therapeutic benefit of ginkgetin in medicine, here in the present investigation, different scientific databases have been searched to collect the important scientific information of ginkgetin with respect to the medicinal importance and pharmacological activities. Different scientific databases such as Google, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and Google Scholar have been searched to collect the important scientific information of the ginkgetin in the present work. All the collected scientific information’s have been analyzed for the medicinal importance, pharmacological activities and analytical aspects of ginkgetin.
Results: Literature databases analysis using various scientific databases such as Google, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and Google Scholar revealed that ginkgetin is a biflavonoids found to be present in the Ginkgo biloba leaves and have been used in traditional and allopathic medicine. Databases analysis signified that ginkgetin has effectiveness against inflammatory disorders, lipid peroxidation, prostate cancer, DNA damage, renal cell carcinoma, osteosarcoma and small cell lung cancer. Different analytical techniques for the quantification of ginkgetin have also been included in the present investigation.
Conclusion: Present study revealed the biological importance and therapeutic benefit of ginkgetin in medicine, which could be used for the development of effective medicine against human disorders and associated complications.
Keywords: Biflavonoid, bioactive compounds, flavonoid, ginkgetin, Ginkgo biloba, human disorders.