Background: Oriental planetree (Platanus orientalis L.) leaf was recorded as a remedy against inflammatory problems and to stop the pain, i.e. toothache or knee pain in “The Canon of Medicines” by Avicenna and was also being documented in the Iranian Traditional Medicine. Although such a utilization has not been described in reliable sources, recently use of its leaves as herbal tea has become popular among laypeople. Previous studies have shown that only the nonpolar extract from the leaves may have such efficacy, while possible benefits when it is used as herbal tea have not been investigated.
Objective: The present study aims to reveal the possible efficacy and safety profile of aqueous extract from P. orientalis leaf.
Methods: Aqueous extract of the leaves was submitted to in vivo and in vitro tests to determine its anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antimutagenic activities and also reveal its safety profile.
Results: The aqueous extract (400 mg/kg) procured weak and non-significant anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities. Meanwhile, the aqueous extract demonstrated antimutagenic activity in very high concentrations. On the other hand, results of safety evaluation showed that no concern had been observed from the viewpoint of public health.
Conclusion: Despite the popularity of the herbal tea prepared from the leaves of Oriental planetree among the people suffering joint problems to relieve pain, this study has proven that such application would not help them to alleviate their complaints when used as herbal tea.
Keywords: Oriental plane tree, safety, herbal tea, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antimutagenic.