International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Praveena Nuthakki* and Thummuru Gunasekhar*

DOI: 10.2174/2210327911666210111124057

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A Study on Security Issues and Attacks, Challenges and Future Improvements in Cloud-based IoT

Page: [96 - 107] Pages: 12

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a rising and dynamic research area. It is the integration of numerous objects (things) to communicate information without human beings' intervention. Inappropriately, because of the qualities resource-constrained and limited communication range, it significantly relies upon the Cloud as outsourcing to store and compute the data. This reconciliation of IoT with the Cloud has brought new issues and poses difficulties regarding protection and security threats. The necessity for the wide arrangement of cloud-based IoT is rapidly expanding with significant security-related issues. This work plots existing security methodologies and vulnerabilities near to a portion of the current security strategies by a total review of existing work in the field of security in cloud-based IoT. This paper concentrated on security and protection in terms of privacy by investigating some potential difficulties and risks that should be resolved. The Cloud of Things (CoT) architectures and present applications have been explored and focused on the middleware layer's attacks. Furthermore, this paper outlines a concise scientific classification of the current security threats in cloudbased IoT, plans, and communication. Finally, a few captivating open issues are given with promising designs to trigger more research community research attempts.

Keywords: IoT, cloud computing, cloud-based IoT, security issues, attacks, communication.

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