The novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an epidemic disease that appeared at the end
of the year 2019 with a sudden increase in number and came to be considered as a pandemic disease
caused by a viral infection which has threatened most countries for an emergency search for new
anti-SARS-COV drugs /vaccines. At present, the number of clinical trials is ongoing worldwide on
different drugs i.e. Hydroxychloroquine, Remedisvir, Favipiravir that utilize various mechanisms of
action. A few countries are currently processing clinical trials, which may result in a positive outcome.
Favipiravir (FPV) represents one of the feasible treatment options for COVID-19, if the result
of the trials turns out positive. Favipiravir will be one of the developed possibly authoritative drugs
to warrant benefits to mankind with large-scale production to meet the demands of the current pandemic
Covid-19 outbreak and future epidemic outbreaks. In this review, the authors tried to explore
key molecules, which will be supportive for devising COVID-19 research.
Coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, remedisvir, favipiravir, mechanism of action, COVID-19.
Graphical Abstract
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