Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials

Author(s): Fedor N. Ilchenko, Sergey G. Grivenko, Igor V. Kaminsky, Yuriy V. Artemov, Evelina R. Kondratiuk, Vitalii B. Kaliberdenko, Shanmugaraj Kulanthaivel* and Keerthanaa Balasundaram

DOI: 10.2174/1574887115666201228151727

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Pathogenetic Correction of the Enteric Insufficiency Syndrome in Patients with Advanced Peritonitis

Page: [272 - 278] Pages: 7

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Introduction: Common purulent peritonitis is one of the most formidable complications in abdominal surgery. Evidence of this is the continuing high mortality rate, which according to various authors, ranges from 11% to 83%. According to modern concepts, the leading role in the development and progression of widespread purulent peritonitis is assigned to enteric insufficiency syndrome (EIS), which occurs in 90-100% of cases.

Aim: The aim of the study was to improve the treatment outcomes of patients with peritonitis complicated by the development of enteric insufficiency syndrome and also by developing and introducing into clinical practice a complex of therapeutic measures, including the combined use of enterosorption in combination with antioxidant and antihypoxant therapy.

Materials and Methods: The evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed complex therapeutic measures was carried out on the basis of a prospective examination of 83 patients (26 men and 57 women) aged 24 to 76 years with diffuse peritonitis with III-IV degree of operational risk for ASA. The comparison group included 37 healthy people aged from 20 to 54 years.

All examined patients were divided into two clinical groups. The first clinical group consisted of 67 patients with EI of the first degree and second clinical group comprising 16 patients with II degree EI. Before the operation, a suspension of enterosorbent was preliminarily prepared. Suspension of DS was injected through the inserted probe using a Janet syringe, creating an exposure for 10-15 minutes; and then restored the free outflow of the contents of the probe. After completion of the surgical intervention, in the conditions of the intensive care unit, enterosorption continued to perform every 8 hours (3 times a day). The study was carried out before the operation and in the terms of the 1-3rd and 10-14th days in the postoperative period. Anti-endotoxin antibodies of classes A, M and G (respectively anti-LPS-IgA, anti-LPS-IgM, anti-LPS-IgG) were determined by ELISA.

Results: When used in the postoperative period for the treatment of enteric insufficiency with detoxification and antihypoxic therapy according to the developed method, a favorable effect is noted, which is confirmed by an assessment of the state of antiendotoxin immunity associated with the development of bacterial translocation and enterogenic toxemia.

Conclusion: The use of the proposed intestinal therapy in combination with antioxidant and antihypoxic therapy helps to prevent the progression of endogenous intoxication, through inactivation and effective clearance of toxic metabolites, reducing the effects of hypoxia, which leads to a significant decrease in membrane-destabilizing effects from the intestinal cell structures and leads to a significant decrease in the expressed specific antigen of the immune system and better clinical outcomes.

Keywords: Peritonitis, enteric insufficiency, antiendotoxin immunity, anti-endotoxin antibodies, lipopolysaccharide, dioctahedral smectite.

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