Microwave heating technology, as a new green metallurgical method, is the core technology used in metallurgical engineering. Based on a brief overview of the principle of microwave technology heating and its application in the metallurgical industry, this paper summarizes the latest research progress and development status of the current microwave heating technology in the hydrometallurgy leaching process and the trend of the application of microwave heating technology in metallurgy. A detailed classification and discussion on the leaching process of common metals were made. The purpose is to further improve the application level of the technology and provide technical support for the improvement of the market position of China’s metallurgical industry. Finally, the problems that need to be urgently solved in the hydrometallurgy of microwave-assisted leaching are further discussed and prospects and suggestions are also discussed.
Keywords: Microwave-assisted, leaching, microwave heating, hydrometallurgy, reviews, metals.