Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the global scenario.
To date, there are no treatment or preventive options. The discovery of a new drug will take time. In addition,
the new drug will have side effects, and the virus will gradually become resistant to it. Therefore, it is important
to search for a drug with a natural origin.
Objective: In this review, we analyzed and summarized various ethnomedicinal plants and their bioactive compounds
as a source of antiviral agents for COVID-19 prevention and treatment.
Methods: From the literature, we selected different natural compounds that can act as potential targets at low
cost with broad-spectrum antiviral activity.
Results: Of the 200 Chinese herbal extracts tested for their possible role against SARS-CoV, Lycoris radiata,
Artemisia annua, Pyrrosia lingua, and Lindera aggregate showed anti-SARS-CoV effects with the median effective
concentration = 2.4-88.2 μg/mL.
Conclusion: Ethnomedicinal herbs can be used as an alternative source of novel, promising antiviral agents that
might directly or indirectly inhibit the COVID-19 progression.
Anthocyanins, COVID-19, Middle East respiratory syndrome, Nigella sativa, Pandemic, SARS-CoV.
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