Background: Recognizing and promoting the factors that affect the self-management behaviors
of diabetes lead to a reduction in the number of patients and an improvement in the quality
of care. The ecological approach focuses on the nature of people's interactions with their physical
and socio-cultural environments.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the predictors of self-management behaviors
with a comprehensive approach in these patients.
Methods: The keywords were investigated in the relevant national and international databases, including
PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus, and Scientific Information Database,
Magiran, and Iran Medex, to obtain the articles published from 2009 to 2019. The search and article
selection strategy was developed based on the Prisma checklist and was carried out in three
Results: Most studies have shown that personal factors had the highest prediction power for the
self-management of diabetes. The interpersonal factors, society and policy-making factors, and
group and organization factors were then the most frequently reported predictors of self-management
behaviors in diabetic patients.
Conclusion: Self-management of diabetes is necessary for controlling it because 95% of care is
done by the patient. When designing self-management interventions, factors are based on the individual
level that is to increase self-management behaviors.
Ecological approach, diabetic patients, self-management, predictors, diabetes, socio-cultural environments.
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