Current Pharmaceutical Design

Author(s): Drashti Patel and Bappaditya Chatterjee*

DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666201016144354

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Identifying Underlying Issues Related to the Inactive Excipients of Transfersomes based Drug Delivery System

Page: [971 - 980] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Transfersomes are bilayer vesicles composed of phospholipid and edge activators, which are mostly surfactant. Transfersomes based drug delivery system has gained a lot of interest of the pharmaceutical researchers for their ability to improve drug penetration and permeation through the skin. Transdermal drug delivery via transfersomes has the potential to overcome the challenge of low systemic availability. However, this complex vesicular system has different issues to consider for developing a successful transdermal delivery system. One of the major ingredients, phospholipid, has versatile sources and variable effect on the vesicle size and drug entrapment in transfersomes. The other one, termed as edge activators or surfactant, has some crucial consideration of skin damage and toxicity depending upon its type and concentration. A complex interaction between type and concentration of phospholipid and surfactant was observed, which affect the physicochemical properties of transfersomes. This review focuses on the practical factors related to these two major ingredients, such as phospholipid and surfactant. The origin, purity, desired concentration, the susceptibility of degradation, etc. are the important factors for selecting phospholipid. Regarding surfactants, the major aspects are type and desired concentration. A successful development of transfersomes based drug delivery system depends on the proper considerations of these factors and practical aspects.

Keywords: Transfersomes, phospholipid, surfactant, edge activators, vesicle size, drug delivery.

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