Current Immunology Reviews (Discontinued)

Author(s): Maryam Bahrami, Ghasem Mosayebi, Ali Ghazavi and Ali Ganji*

DOI: 10.2174/1573395516999200930122850

Cite As
Immunomodulation in Multiple Sclerosis by Phytotherapy

Page: [28 - 36] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory and demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) that can cause cognition, mobility, and sensory impairments. Studies have shown that the immune system through inflammation and autoreactive T cells are involved in the progression of MS. The present article aimed to review the potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory agents that could modulate the immune response in MS. In herbal medicine, various medicinal plants including Olive, Silybum marianum, Grape, Pomegranate peel extract, Nigella sativa, Turmeric, Green tea, Aloysia citrodora, Boswellia papyrifera, Boswellia serrata, Ruta graveolens, and Andrographis paniculata are known with therapeutic benefits in MS patients through immunoregulation and reduction of major symptoms.

Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, immunomodulatory plants, herbal medicine, alternative medicine, inflammation, neurodegenerative disease.

Graphical Abstract

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