Background: Traditional endoscopy is an invasive and painful method of examining the
gastrointestinal tract (GIT) not supported by physicians and patients. To handle this issue, video endoscopy
(VE) or wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is recommended and utilized for GIT examination.
Furthermore, manual assessment of captured images is not possible for an expert physician
because it’s a time taking task to analyze thousands of images thoroughly. Hence, there comes the
need for a Computer-Aided-Diagnosis (CAD) method to help doctors analyze images. Many researchers
have proposed techniques for automated recognition and classification of abnormality in
captured images.
Methods: In this article, existing methods for automated classification, segmentation and detection
of several GI diseases are discussed. Paper gives a comprehensive detail about these state-of-theart
methods. Furthermore, literature is divided into several subsections based on preprocessing techniques,
segmentation techniques, handcrafted features based techniques and deep learning based
techniques. Finally, issues, challenges and limitations are also undertaken.
Results: A comparative analysis of different approaches for the detection and classification of GI
Conclusion: This comprehensive review article combines information related to a number of GI
diseases diagnosis methods at one place. This article will facilitate the researchers to develop new
algorithms and approaches for early detection of GI diseases detection with more promising results
as compared to the existing ones of literature.
Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE), machine
learning, Computer Aided Design (CAD), handcrafted features.
Graphical Abstract
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