Objective: In the recent multimedia technology, images play an integral role in communication. Here in this paper, we propose a new color image encryption method using FWT (Fractional Wavelet transform), double random phases and Arnold transform in the HSV color domain.
Methods: Firstly, the image is changed into the HSV domain and encoding is done using the FWT which is the combination of the fractional Fourier transform with wavelet transform and the two random phase masks are used in the double-random phase encoding. In this method, inverse DWT is taken at the end in order to obtain the encrypted image. To scramble the matrices, the Arnold transform is used with different iterative values. The fractional-order of FRFT, the wavelet family and the iterative numbers of Arnold transform are used as various secret keys in order to enhance the level of security of the proposed method.
Results: The performance of the scheme is analyzed through its PSNR and SSIM values, keyspace, entropy, and statistical analysis, which demonstrates its effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed technique. The simulation result verifies its robustness in comparison to nearby schemes.
Conclusion: This method provides better security, enlarged and sensitive keyspace with improved PSNR and SSIM. FWT reflecting time-frequency information adds to its flexibility with additional variables and making it more suitable for secure transmission.
Keywords: Arnold transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Fractional wavelet transform (FWT), Wavelet transform(WT), Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT), Hue saturation value (HSV).