Introduction: Shape segmentation is a fundamental problem of computer graphics and geometric modeling. Although the existence of segmentation algorithms of shapes have been widely studied in the mathematics community, little progress has been made on how to compute them on polygonal surfaces interactively using geodesic loops.
Method: We compute the geodesic distance fields with the improved Fast March Method (FMM) proposed by Xin and Wang. A new algorithm is proposed to compute geodesic loops over a triangulated surface as well as a new interactive shape segmentation manner. Result: The average computation time on the 50K vertices model is less than 0.08s. Discussion: In the future, we will use an accurate geodesic algorithm and parallel computing techniques to improve our algorithm to obtain a better smooth geodesic loop. Conclusion: A large number of experimental results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can effectively achieve high precision geodesic loop paths, and this method can also be used for interactive shape segmentation in real-time.Keywords: Discrete geodesics, geodesic loop, interactive shape segmentation, 3D models, geodesic distance fields, Fast March Method.