The coronaviruses, belonging to the family Coronaviridae, have caused a massive pandemic
in December 2019 after their previous outbreaks as SARS-CoV and MERS. The outbreak is believed to
have originated from the seafood and live market in the Hubei province of China. The Rhinolophus
species are the natural hosts of this virus. This virus caused pneumonia and took away many lives before
it was recognized as the novel Coronavirus. Very little information is available about the biology
and nature of the novel Coronavirus. This article reviews multiple aspects encompassing its origin, epidemiology,
pathogenesis, symptoms, and the global statistics of spread. Acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) is the key symptom of this condition. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) helps
in the penetration of the virus into the target cells. Deeper research and understanding are essential for
the identification of antibodies that inhibit ACE2 and can prevent viral replication. Drug design and
control of disease are crucial. In countries like India, where plant diversity is extensive, it is prudent to
focus on plant-based alternative drugs. Many attempts have been made to review and curate the drug
discovery attempts using immuno-informatic and bioinformatic tools.
SARS-COVID-19, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Rhinolophus species, ACE2 receptor, Orf 8
protein, natural drugs.
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coronavirus 2019-nCoV ChemRxiv Preprint