Cessation of menstruation, widely known as menopause is a significant transition period in women’s life. It leads to the arrest of fertility and creates a depletion of the hormones causing physical, mental, sexual, and social problems which lead to a serious decline in their quality of life. The onset of menopause induces certain sudden changes, while others appear in a phasic manner, henceforth demanding an adequate understanding of its progression, adverse impact on life, and exploration of any remedial measures thereof. Menopause, despite being a natural occurrence, brings in significant changes to women’s life, almost sometimes leading to severe debilitation. However, it is still not attended and remains an ignored health issue that warrants the immediate attention of researchers, practitioners, and health policymakers. The present review is an attempt to draw attention towards these women-centric health issues and diligently explores the causes, symptoms and also describes the various procedures for the management of menopausal and postmenopausal syndromes. The review tries to summarise the currently available pharmaceutical interventions and also dwells into herbal and complementary remedies which could ameliorate and provide respite from the etiolating menopausal symptoms.
Keywords: Menopause, postmenopausal syndrome, quality of life, menopausal management, herbal remedy, scales.