CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets

Author(s): Silvia S. Hidalgo Tobón, Pilar Dies Suárez, Eduardo Barragán Pérez, Javier M. Hernández López, Julio García and Benito de Celis Alonso*

DOI: 10.2174/1871527319666200613222502

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Lisdexamfetamine Alters BOLD-fMRI Activations Induced by Odor Cues in Impulsive Children

Page: [290 - 305] Pages: 16

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Introduction: Lisdexamfetamine (LDX) is a drug used to treat ADHD/impulsive patients. Impulsivity is known to affect inhibitory, emotional and cognitive function. On the other hand, smell and odor processing are known to be affected by neurological disorders, as they are modulators of addictive and impulsive behaviors specifically. We hypothesize that, after LDX ingestion, inhibitory pathways of the brain would change, and complementary behavioral regulation mechanisms would appear to regulate decision-making and impulsivity.

Methods: 20 children were studied in an aleatory crossover study. Imaging of BOLD-fMRI activity, elicited by olfactory stimulation in impulsive children, was performed after either LDX or placebo ingestion.

Results: Findings showed that all subjects who underwent odor stimulation presented activations of similar intensities in the olfactory centers of the brain. This contrasted with inhibitory regions of the brain such as the cingulate cortex and frontal lobe regions, which demonstrated changed activity patterns and intensities. While some differences between the placebo and medicated states were found in motor areas, precuneus, cuneus, calcarine, supramarginal, cerebellum and posterior cingulate cortex, the main changes were found in frontal, temporal and parietal cortices. When comparing olfactory cues separately, pleasant food smells like chocolate seemed not to present large differences between the medicated and placebo scenarios, when compared to non-food-related smells.

Conclusion: It was demonstrated that LDX, first, altered the inhibitory pathways of the brain, secondly it increased activity in several brain regions which were not activated by smell in drug-naïve patients, and thirdly, it facilitated a complementary behavioral regulation mechanism, run by the cerebellum, which regulated decision-making and impulsivity in motor and frontal structures.

Keywords: Olfaction, treatment, impulsivity, cerebellum, lisdexamfetamine, fMRI, BOLD.

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