Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry

Author(s): Jianyou Zhang, Zhiming Chen, Zhen Wang, Lifan Chen, Yuting Ding, Fei Lyu* and Xuxia Zhou*

DOI: 10.2174/1570193X17999200529100029

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Interactions of Fish Proteins and Volatile Flavor Compounds: Mechanisms, Affecting Factors and Analytical Methods

Page: [259 - 269] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The removal of volatile compounds with unfavorable fishy odor from fish has attracted considerable research attention especially in surimi production industry. The binding of these volatile compounds by fish proteins are reported to affect the deodorization of fishy odor. To remove the protein- bound fishy substances effectively, the mechanisms underlying the interaction between proteins and flavor substances and methods that can extract and analyze the aromatic substances have been extensively studied. This paper briefly reviews the typical fishy compounds and the combination modes and mechanisms of fish proteins with these compounds. Moreover, factors affecting the interactions including protein conformation and solution conditions are discussed in detail.

Keywords: Analytical method, factor, fish proteins, mechanism, volatile flavor compounds.

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