Aims: The proposed research work is on an evolutionary enhanced method for sentiment or emotion classification on unstructured review text in the big data field. The sentiment analysis plays a vital role for current generation of people for extracting valid decision points about any aspect such as movie ratings, education institute or politics ratings, etc. The proposed hybrid approach combined the optimal feature selection using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and sentiment classification through Support Vector Machine (SVM). The current approach performance is evaluated with statistical measures, such as precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, and was compared with the existing approaches. The earlier authors have achieved an accuracy of sentiment classifier in the English text up to 94% as of now. In the proposed scheme, an average accuracy of sentiment classifier on distinguishing datasets outperformed as 99% by tuning various parameters of SVM, such as constant c value and kernel gamma value in association with PSO optimization technique. The proposed method utilized three datasets, such as airline sentiment data, weather, and global warming datasets, that are publically available. The current experiment produced results that are trained and tested based on 10- Fold Cross-Validations (FCV) and confusion matrix for predicting sentiment classifier accuracy.
Background: The sentiment analysis plays a vital role for current generation people for extracting valid decisions about any aspect such as movie rating, education institute or even politics ratings, etc. Sentiment Analysis (SA) or opinion mining has become fascinated scientifically as a research domain for the present environment. The key area is sentiment classification on semi-structured or unstructured data in distinguish languages, which has become a major research aspect. User-Generated Content [UGC] from distinguishing sources has been hiked significantly with rapid growth in a web environment. The huge user-generated data over social media provides substantial value for discovering hidden knowledge or correlations, patterns, and trends or sentiment extraction about any specific entity. SA is a computational analysis to determine the actual opinion of an entity which is expressed in terms of text. SA is also called as computation of emotional polarity expressed over social media as natural text in miscellaneous languages. Usually, the automatic superlative sentiment classifier model depends on feature selection and classification algorithms.
Methods: The proposed work used Support vector machine as classification technique and particle swarm optimization technique as feature selection purpose. In this methodology, we tune various permutations and combination parameters in order to obtain expected desired results with kernel and without kernel technique for sentiment classification on three datasets, including airline, global warming, weather sentiment datasets, that are freely hosted for research practices.
Results: In the proposed scheme, The proposed method has outperformed with 99.2% of average accuracy to classify the sentiment on different datasets, among other machine learning techniques. The attained high accuracy in classifying sentiment or opinion about review text proves superior effectiveness over existing sentiment classifiers. The current experiment produced results that are trained and tested based on 10- Fold Cross-Validations (FCV) and confusion matrix for predicting sentiment classifier accuracy.
Conclusion: The objective of the research issue sentiment classifier accuracy has been hiked with the help of Kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) based on parameter optimization. The optimal feature selection to classify sentiment or opinion towards review documents has been determined with the help of a particle swarm optimization approach. The proposed method utilized three datasets to simulate the results, such as airline sentiment data, weather sentiment data, and global warming data that are freely available datasets.
Keywords: Sentiment analysis, knowledge discovery, machine learning, support vector machine, particle swarm optimization, global warming data.