Background: A Book Review on Layered Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Edited by Dongsheng Geng, Yuan Cheng and Gang Zhang, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, 315 Pages, Print ISBN 978-1-78801-426-7, Print ISSN 2046-0066, DOI: 10.1039/9781788016193- FP001.
In the earlier decade, the extensive research hot-spot in two-dimensional (2D) layered materials, especially graphene, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) benefited from their exceptional chemical, physical, optical, mechanical and electronic properties. This book provides an up-to-date comprehensive overview of synthesis approaches and functionalization routes of graphene and TMDCs and functional properties of intercalated layered materials and its energy applications.
Methods: The chemistry of layered two-dimensional materials towards its allied applications in electrocatalysis, lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, thermoelectric materials, watersplitting and performance of photovoltaic devices are the core issues of energy storage and conversion and they are well addressed in this book.
Results: This book consists of nine chapters. Altogether they discuss layered materials, energy storage, substitute energy storage and conversion specifically as it is not possible to discuss each and everything in detail. The chapters are written well by reputed experts around the globe. That makes this book an outstandingly important and reliable source of information. It is valuable for a book to provide updated information, review the work done to date, do proper analysis, compare the pros and cons of comparable existing technologies and guide the readers to the research gaps and places where improvement is required.
Conclusion: This book is an essential reference guide for students, researchers, engineers and professionals in the advanced materials community and energy-related sectors such as photovoltaics, water-splitting, supercapacitor, and batteries, etc.
Keywords: Layered materials, two-dimensional, electrocatalysis, photovoltaic devices, alkali-ion batteries, thermoelectric devices, supercapacitors, water-splitting.