There was a golden era where everyone thought that microbes can no longer establish threat to humans but the time has come where microbes are proposing strong resistance against the majority of antimicrobials. Over the years, the inappropriate use and easy availability of antimicrobials have made antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to emerge as the world’s third leading cause of death. Microorganisms over the time span have acquired resistance through various mechanisms such as efflux pump, transfer through plasmids causing mutation, changing antimicrobial site of action, or modifying the antimicrobial which will lead to become AMR as the main cause of death worldwide by 2030. In order to overcome the emerging resistance against majority of antimicrobials, there is a need to uncover drugs from plants because they have proved to be effective antimicrobials due to the presence of secondary metabolites such as terpenoids. Terpenoids abundant in nature are produced in response to microbial attack have huge potential against various microorganisms through diverse mechanisms such as membrane disruption, anti-quorum sensing, inhibition of protein synthesis and ATP. New approaches like combination therapy of terpenoids and antimicrobials have increased the potency of treatment against various multidrug resistant microorganisms by showing synergism to each other.
Keywords: Antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance, terpenoids antimicrobial mechanism, synergism, microorganisms, terpenoids.