Current Drug Delivery

Author(s): Harmanpreet Singh, Shubham Thakur, Nikhil Shri Sahajpal, Harjeet Singh, Amrinder Singh, Harminder Singh Sohal and Subheet Kumar Jain*

DOI: 10.2174/1567201817666200512103402

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Recent Advances in the Novel Formulation of Docosahexaenoic Acid for Effective Delivery, Associated Challenges and Its Clinical Importance

Page: [483 - 504] Pages: 22

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is an essential polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, and a fundamental structural component of the phospholipid membranes, especially of neural and retinal cells. DHA is found to be critical for the normal development and functioning of neurons and synaptogenesis in the brain, and is required during pre- and post-natal stages of life. DHA has also been observed to exhibit neuroprotective, cardioprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, geographical dietary variations and poor economic conditions lead to insufficient DHA levels resulting in various health deficits like improper brain development, cognitive disorders, and other clinical complications. Thus, to prevent its deficiency-induced derangements, several authorities recommend DHA as a supplement during pregnancy, infancy, and throughout adulthood. In past decades, the soft gelatin capsule was only feasible resolute of DHA, but due to their limitations and invention of new technologies; it led to the development of new dosage forms with improved physicochemical characteristics of DHA. This article will discuss in detail about the role of DHA in brain development, microalgae oil as an emerging source of DHA, clinical- and pharmacological-activities of DHA, issues related to DHA oil, current formulation of DHA along with their application, limitations, and strategies used for improvement and future prospectives.

Keywords: Docosahexaenoic acid, brain development, novel formulations, clinical application, encapsulation, spray drying.

Graphical Abstract

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