Neutrophilic dermatoses are a heterogeneous group of inflammatory skin disorders characterized by the presence of a sterile, predominantly neutrophilic infiltrate on histopathology. Universally accepted and validated guidelines for the management of neutrophilic dermatoses do not exist, also given the paucity of randomized controlled study and high-quality data. However, the literature on the effective use of biologic therapies is rapidly expanding. This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, histopathologic features, and management of pyoderma gangrenosum as well as Sweet’s syndrome, sub-corneal pustular dermatoses and bowel-associated dermatosis arthritis syndrome. The use of biologic agents, including tumor necrosis factor α-inhibitors, anti-IL1, anti-IL-17, and IL-23 are discussed in detail.
Keywords: Bowel-associated dermatosis arthritis syndrome, neutrophilic dermatoses, pyoderma gangrenosum, Sweet`s syndrome, subcorneal pustular dermatoses, anti TNF, ustekinumab, secukinumab