Background: Probiotics are the most widely consumed functional food. Consumers demand
the production of foods also in low-calorie forms.
Objective: In this study, Lactobacillus casei 431 and various sweeteners were used in milk chocolate
as probiotic and bulking agents, respectively.
Methods: Samples were prepared by using sucrose or optimum polyols combination. Chocolate samples
were stored at two temperatures (4°C and 20°C) for 180 days and the viability of probiotic cells
was controlled with the purpose of specifying the presented storage temperature.
Results: The highest probiotic viability was determined in the samples produced with sucrose and
stored at 4°C. The cell counts were retained at the functional amount after maintenance for 6 months.
Probiotic sucrose-free chocolate was more viscous than control chocolate, although displayed satisfactory
sensory attributes.
Conclusion: As a result, the sugared and sugar-free probiotic milk chocolates could be stored at room
temperature. Due to the acceptable number of probiotic cells, the sucrose-free chocolates containing
probiotics were considered as functional foods.
Sucrose-free, chocolate, probiotic, viability, rheological, sensory attributes.
Graphical Abstract
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