Background: The penetration level of a wind farm with transient stability constraint and static security constraint has been a key problem in wind power applications.
Objective: The study explores maximum penetration level problem of wind considering transient stability constraint and uncertainty of wind power out, based on credibility theory and corrected energy function method.
Methods: According to the corrected energy function, the transient stability constraint of the power grid is transferred to the penetration level problem of a wind farm. Wind speed forecast error is handled as a fuzzy variable to express the uncertainty of wind farm output. Then this paper builds a fuzzy chance-constrained model to calculate wind farm penetration level. To avoid inefficient fuzzy simulation, the model is simplified to a mixed integer linear programming model.
Results: The results validate the proposed model and investigate the influence of grid-connection node, wind turbine characteristic, fuzzy reliability index, and transient stability index on wind farm penetration level.
Conclusion: The result shows that the model proposed in this study can consider the uncertainty of wind power out and establish a quantitative transient stability constraint to determine the wind farm penetration level with a certain fuzzy confidence level.
Keywords: Penetration level, wind farm, transient stability, credibility, fuzzy chance constrained model, uncertainty.