Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Li Wei, Meng Ding*, Yun-Feng Cao and Xu Zhang

DOI: 10.2174/2352096513666200316151351

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Visual Target Tracking via Online Reliability Evaluation and Feature Selection in the Framework of Correlation Filtering

Page: [1068 - 1077] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Although correlation filtering is one of the most successful visual tracking frameworks, it is prone to drift caused by several factors such as occlusion, deformation and rotation.

Objective: In order to improve the performance of correlation filter-based trackers, this paper proposes a visual tracking method via online reliability evaluation and feature selection.

Methods: The main contribution of this paper is to introduce three schemes in the framework of correlation filtering. Firstly, we present an online reliability evaluation to assess the current tracking result by using the method of adaptive threshold segmentation of response map. Secondly, the proposed tracker updates the regression model of correlation filter according to the assessment result. Thirdly, when the tracking result based on a handcrafted feature is not reliable enough, we propose a feature selection scheme that autonomously replaces a handcrafted feature used in the traditional correlation filter-based trackers with a deep convolutional feature that can re-capture the target by its powerful discriminant ability.

Results: On OTB-2013datasets, the Precision rate and Success rate of the proposed tracking algorithm can reach 84.8% and 62.5%, respectively. Moreover, the tracking speed of proposed algorithm is 19 frame per second.

Conclusion: The quantitative and qualitative experimental results both demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performed favorably against nine state-of-the-art algorithms.

Keywords: Visual tracking, correlation filtering, reliability assessment, feature selection, appearance model, generative trackers.

Graphical Abstract

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