Current Analytical Chemistry

Author(s): Muhammad Shahid Nazir*, Bushra Anees Palvasha, Zaman Tahir, Sadaf ul Hassan, Zulfiqar Ali, Majid Niaz Akhtar, Kashuf Azam and Mohd. Azmuddin Abdullah*

DOI: 10.2174/1573411016666200311105838

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An Overview on Eco-Friendly Polymer Composites for Heavy Metal Ion Remediation

Page: [737 - 753] Pages: 17

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Water contamination by noxious heavy metals due to urbanization is a global environmental problem. Heavy metal ions pollution makes the water unsuitable for drinking and is also highly toxic to human beings and eco-system. The remediation of heavy metals is therefore very crucial.

Methods: Adsorbents based on biopolymer and eco-friendly polymer composites have been developed and fabricated to remediate and remove heavy metals from the ecosystem.

Results: In recent years, biocomposites have been successful as cost-effective adsorbents for the remediation of various contaminants with their eco-friendly nature and sustainability.

Conclusion: This review article gives an overview on the remediation of heavy metals using green biocomposites.

Keywords: Biodegradable, biopolymers, eco-friendly, environmental engineering, heavy metal ion remediation, waterpollution.

Graphical Abstract

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