Circular RNAs, a group of endogenous non-coding RNAs, are characterized
by covalently closed cyclic structures with no poly-adenylated tails. It has been recently
recommended that cirRNAs have an essential role in regulating genes expression by
functioning as a translational regulator, RNA binding protein sponge and microRNA
sponge. Due to their close relation to the progression of various diseases such as
diabetes, circRNAs have become a research hotspot. A number of circRNAs (i.e.,
circRNA_0054633, circHIPK3, circANKRD36, and circRNA11783-2) have been shown
to be associated with initiation and progression of diabetes. Based on reports, in a
tissue, some circRNAs are expressed in a developmental stage-specific manner. In this
study, we reviewed research on circular RNAs involved in the pathogenesis and
diagnosis of diabetes and their prognostic roles.
Circular RNA, diabetes, biomarker, circRNA_0054633, circHIPK3, circANKRD36.
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