Background: Pharmacological treatment for alcohol dependence has only three approved
drugs: disulfiram, naltrexone and acamprosate. The effects of these drugs are, however, limited,
presenting several side effects and a modestly higher efficacy compared to placebo. The administration
of omega-3 might bring new perspectives to relapse prevention.
Methods: This systematic review aimed to analyze the available literature, compiling the studies
that used omega-3 to prevent relapse in alcohol dependents.
Results: The databases used were PubMed and Web of Science. We identified 2,231 studies and
only five articles addressed the administration of omega-3 and alcoholism. Preclinical studies
evaluating the effects of PUFAs related to chronic alcohol administration showed improvements in
behavioral, cellular and molecular levels. The clinical trial yielded inconclusive results.
Conclusion: Despite the reduced number of studies, omega-3 interventions seem to be promising
for controlling issues related to alcohol dependence.
PUFAs, omega-3, ethanol, relapse, treatment, craving.
Graphical Abstract
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