Current Clinical Pharmacology

Author(s): Anan S. Jarab*, Tareq L. Mukattash and Hayat Hilan

DOI: 10.2174/1574884715666200116104754

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Medication Non-adherence in Patients with Osteoporosis: Implications for Clinical Pharmacists and Osteoporosis Care Providers

Page: [243 - 250] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Poor adherence to the prescribed therapy leads to low bone mineral density and enhance the development of osteoporosis complications and unnecessary hospitalization.

Objective: To explore factors associated with medication non-adherence in patients with osteoporosis. Findings would help guide the development of future pharmaceutical care interventions aim at improving health outcomes for patients with osteoporosis.

Methods: The study was conducted at an outpatient osteoporosis clinic at the Royal Medical Services Hospital. Variables including socio-demographics and medical factors were collected using medical records and custom-designed questionnaire. Medication adherence was assessed using the validated 4-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale. Logistic regression was performed to develop a model with variables that best predicted medication non-adherence in patients with osteoporosis in Jordan.

Results: A total of 296 patients participated in the study. Most of the study participants (72.3%) were found non-adherent. Patients were found less likely to adhere to the prescribed medications with each unit increase in the number of prescribed medications (OR = 2.503, CI = 1.103-5.680) and if they did not have a trust in the efficacy of the medications (OR = 5.544, CI = 0.990-31.058).

Conclusion: Medication adherence for patients with osteoporosis has considered scope for improvement in Jordan. Simplifying dosage regimen in addition to taking patients’ preferences when selecting the medications should be taken into account in future interventions designed to improve health outcomes for patients with osteoporosis.

Keywords: Osteoporosis, medication, fractures, pharmacotherapy, asymptomatic, orthotic, orthopedic, rehabilitation medicine.

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