Aims: Presenting a novel approach to identify Persian static symptoms in that the proposed sign language recognition system consists of two segmentation and feature extraction phases. In the segmentation phase, the hand region is separated by an effective segmentation method from the original image.
Objective: (1) Introducing an effective framework to solve sensitivity to light conditions in identifying and recognizing letters of the Persian sign language alphabet. (2) Proposing a new feature extraction method to eliminate sensitivity to rotation and scale changes. (3) Creating a new dataset includes 480 images of the sign language alphabet symptoms in order to show the performance of our method.
Methods: The proposed sign language recognition system uses two segmentation and feature extraction phases. In the segmentation phase, the hand region is separated by an effective segmentation method from the original image. This method is based on the unique Gaussian model in the YCbCr color space. The Bayes rule is used to precisely identify the hand region too. In the feature extraction phase, the radial model is used to obtain a one-dimensional function to display the hand region boundary and to compute the combined feature vector. In order to normalize this method, the Fourier Transformation method is applied.
Results: The system was trained and tested using 480 image samples of Persian sign language characters, 15 images per sign, with the .jpg extension. Extensive experimental evaluations indicate that the proposed recognition system is less susceptible to displacement, scale, and rotation, and can detect symptoms at an accuracy of 95.62%.
Conclusion: In this article, a new system was proposed for recognizing the alphabet letters in Persian sign language. This system consists of two main phases: the segmentation phase or the hand region identification and feature extraction phase. In the segmentation phase of the detection system, at first, the hand region is separated by an effective segmentation method from the original image. This method is based on the single Gaussian model in the color space of the YCbCr and the Bayes rule. Applying this method in hand segmentation, enables the system, to recognize the hand region well. In this method, after hand region detection, using the Sobel edge detector, the image edge is extracted. In the feature extraction phase, the radial distance model was used to obtain a one-dimensional function display of the hand region boundary and compute its feature vector. This model is based on the edge and image centroid and computes the centroid distance to the shape boundary as a function of the angle. Since this model by itself is sensitive to the scale variations and tilt, in order to normalize this method to tilt variations, the Fourier transformation was applied to feature vector computed by the radial model. Then the vector elements are divided by the largest vector element, thus, using this method the computed feature vector will be distinct for different images and will show less sensitivity to displacement, scale, and gradient. A database consist of 480 images of Persian sign symptoms was created to the overall accuracy evaluation of the system, the results show that the proposed recognition system can identify 32 letters of the Persian sign language alphabet with a detection rate 95.62%.
Keywords: Persian sign language sign, language, image processing, symptom detection, segmentation, feature extraction.