Background: Catalase is a vital antioxidant enzyme that dismutates H2O2 into water and molecular oxygen. Many protocols have been developed to measure catalase enzyme activity. Spectrophotometric methods are the most common assays that used to assess catalase enzyme activity.
Methods: Because the rate-limiting step during catalase enzyme activity depends upon the dissociation of hydrogen peroxide, the developed assay measures the reaction between a hydroquinone/ anilinium sulfate/ammonium molybdate reagent and Unreacted Hydrogen Peroxide, which results in the production of a purple, disubstituted quinone compound with a maximum absorbance value at 550 nm.
Results: To clarify the precision of the developed method, the coefficients of variation were determined to be 2.6% and 4.7% within run measurements and between run measurements, respectively. This method returned results that correlated well (r = 0.9982) with the results returned using the peroxovanadate method to assess catalase enzyme activity. Additionally, we examined the use of the newly developed hydroquinone assay to measure catalase enzyme activity in liver and bacterial homogenate samples.
Conclusion: These results demonstrated that this assay can be used for scientific research and routine health applications because it is inexpensive, simple, accurate, and rapid. This method is suitable for use in clinical pathology laboratories because it is simple and produces precise and reproducible results.
Keywords: Ammonium molybdate, anilinium sulfate, catalase activity, enzymatic assessment, hydrogen peroxide, hydroquinone.