Background: Nanoparticles have become an important part of many modern scientific
technologies. Also, many naturally occurring nanoparticles play an important role in various natural
and synthetic processes. The detection of these nanoparticles is expensive and challenging. This review
paper explains in detail about various sensor-based methods used for the detection of nanoparticles.
Methodology: Sensor-based analytical techniques are more accurate than other techniques. Nanoparticles
may occur in air, water, solid surface and human or other living organisms’ physical environments.
The detection methods include spectroscopic techniques, electrochemical methods, microcavities
and microlasers based detection, optical techniques and many other highly sensitive methods.
All these methods and their principles are explained in this study. The importance and the ill effects
of the nanoparticles are explained in this article. Further, the detection of a particular single nanoparticle
is also discussed.
Conclusion: The detailed comparative analysis of these methods has shown that sensor-based methods
are highly efficient for the detection of nanoparticles. Further research in this field may introduce
many cost-effective and high efficient detection techniques that would revolutionize the medical and
other application fields.
Detection, electrochemical methods, microcavities and microlasers based detection, nanoparticles, optical techniques,
sensors, spectroscopic techniques.
Graphical Abstract
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