Current Drug Targets

Author(s): Kinga Majchrzak and Jakub Fichna*

DOI: 10.2174/1389450121666191218123203

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Biologic Therapy in Crohn’s Disease–What We Have Learnt So Far

Page: [792 - 806] Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Crohn’s disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder from the group of inflammatory bowel diseases. The etiology of CD is not clear; currently, the interaction between the genetic, immunological and environmental factors is assumed as the cause of the disease. Partial knowledge of those factors has led to the development of drugs, which control the clinical symptoms and improve the overall condition of the infected; the main objective of the modern therapeutic strategies is the induction and maintenance of remission. Among the wide range of available treatments, older generation molecules: mesalazine, corticosteroids and thiopurine derivatives as well as biological drugs and biosimilars can be distinguished. Moreover, some novel biologics and small molecule drugs have shown potential in CD clinical trials, providing safe and effective results. This article provides an overview of the achievements in the field of biologic therapy, its efficacy and safety with an indication of future directions in CD treatment.

Keywords: Crohn's disease, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, biological therapy, monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars.

Graphical Abstract

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