Background: Numerous E – Migrants databases assist the migrants to locate their peers in various countries; hence contributing largely in communication of migrants, staying overseas. Presently, these traditional E – Migrants databases face the issues of non – scalability, difficult search mechanisms and burdensome information update routines. Furthermore, analysis of migrants’ profiles in these databases has remained unhandled till date and hence do not generate any knowledge.
Objective: To design and develop an efficient and multidimensional knowledge discovery framework for E - Migrants databases.
Methods: In the proposed technique, results of complex calculations related to most probable On-Line Analytical Processing operations required by end users, are stored in the form of Decision Trees, at the pre- processing stage of data analysis. While browsing the Cube, these pre-computed results are called; thus offering Dynamic Cubing feature to end users at runtime. This data-tuning step reduces the query processing time and increases efficiency of required data warehouse operations.
Results: Experiments conducted with Data Warehouse of around 1000 migrants’ profiles confirm the knowledge discovery power of this proposal. Using the proposed methodology, authors have designed a framework efficient enough to incorporate the amendments made in the E – Migrants Data Warehouse systems on regular intervals, which was totally missing in the traditional E – Migrants databases.
Conclusion: The proposed methodology facilitate migrants to generate dynamic knowledge and visualize it in the form of dynamic cubes. Applying Business Intelligence mechanisms, blending it with tuned OLAP operations, the authors have managed to transform traditional datasets into intelligent migrants Data Warehouse.
Keywords: Knowledge discovery, dynamic cubes, progression system, intelligent data warehouse, OLAP, migrant.