Introduction: Sleep-related problems like sleep apnea are increasing tremendously mostly owing to the disordered lifestyle the present generation is leading which is added like a topping on the base of obesity and metabolic syndrome. The burden on the society is huge taking into consideration the work-time loss and health-related financial issues arising out of these sleep disorders with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) leading the way. Early diagnosis can prevent several complications of OSA. Cardiovascular diseases, including various arrhythmias, arising due to OSA, are described previously.
Case Presentation: Herein, an interesting case of OSA, whose pacemaker installation to rectify the long pause could be avoided by simple correction of his OSA using continuous positive airway pressure, is presented. This 49-year-old male patient was diagnosed with severe OSA by using polysomnography and all his significant sinus pauses (highest one with 7.8 sec) during holter ECG monitoring were found to be occurring at night and correcting his OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment reverted all those sinus pauses and the need for any further intervention with pacemaker was discarded. Discussion: OSA is caused by either partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway, and there is the simultaneously attenuated upper airway dilator muscle tone while the patient is sleeping. The gold standard test designed for the assessment of OSA is polysomnography, as approved by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and CPAP has been found to be universally beneficial in treating OSA related complications. Physiologically, the ACC/AHA guidelines recommend pacing only in patients with prolonged asymptomatic pauses occurring during wakefulness. This case report proved the above mentioned claim of CPAP treatment.Keywords: Obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP, sinus pause, 24-h Holter ECG, sleep, cardiovascular diseases.