Background: Predictive analytics has a multiplicity of statistical schemes from predictive modelling, data mining, machine learning. It scrutinizes present and chronological data to make predictions about expectations or if not unexplained measures. Most predictive models are used for business analytics to overcome loses and profit gaining. Predictive analytics is used to exploit the pattern in old and historical data.
Objective: People used to follow some strategies for predicting stock value to invest in the more profit-gaining stocks and those strategies to search the stock market prices which are incorporated in some intelligent methods and tools. Such strategies will increase the investor’s profits and also minimize their risks. So prediction plays a vital role in stock market gaining and is also a very intricate and challenging process.
Methods: The proposed optimized strategies are the Deep Neural Network with Stochastic Gradient for stock prediction. The Neural Network is trained using Back-propagation neural networks algorithm and stochastic gradient descent algorithm as optimal strategies.
Results: The experiment is conducted for stock market price prediction using python language with the visual package. In this experiment RELIANCE.NS, TATAMOTORS.NS, and TATAGLOBAL. NS dataset are taken as input dataset and it is downloaded from National Stock Exchange site. The artificial neural network component including Deep Learning model is most effective for more than 100,000 data points to train this model. This proposed model is developed on daily prices of stock market price to understand how to build model with better performance than existing national exchange method.
Keywords: Prediction strategies, stock market, deep learning algorithm, artificial neural networks, stochastic gradient descent algorithm, RELIANCE.NS, TATAMOTORS.NS, TATAGLOBAL.NS.