Background: Desheng pills (DSP) consist of six traditional Chinese medicine. This preparation
is used fornourishing blood, eliminating stasis, soothing liver and regulating menstruation, and can
also be used to treat menoxenia and dysmenorrhea caus ed by qi stagnation and blood stasis.
Objective: In this paper, an accurate and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array
detector (HPLC-DAD) method was developed and validated for simultaneous determination of
seven active components (gallic acid, paeoniflorin, costunolide, dehydrocostuslactone, rutin, leonurine
hydrochloride and ferulic acid) in the traditional Chinese formula-Desheng pills.
Methods: The seven analytes were separated on Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18 column (250mm× 4.6mm,
5μm) maintained at the temperature of 30. Gradient elution was performed with the mobile phase of
methanol (A)-0.1% phosphoric acid solution (B) at the flow rate of 1.0mL·min-1. The analysis was carried
out at the wavelength of 225 nm, 256 nm, 277 nm and 320 nm with an injection volume of 10 μL.
Results: The measured seven components showed good linear relationships within their own concentration
ranges along with coefficients of determination ≥0.9996. The limits of detection and quantitation
of all analytes were in the range of 0.19-13.51 μg/mL and 0.59-40.93 μg/mL, respectively. Average
recoveries ranged from 98.82% to 102.01% with RSDs of 1.47%-1.99%. The content of tested
components was in the range of 0.053-0.421 mg/g.
Conclusion: The proposed method was found to be sensitive, accurate and reproducible, which provided
an effective quantitative analytical method for quality control of Desheng pills.
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), diode array detector (DAD), desheng pills (DSP), active components,
simultaneous determination, quality control.
Graphical Abstract
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