Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental issue that disrupts behavior,
nonverbal communication, and social interaction, impacting all aspects of an individual’s social development.
The underlying origin of autism is unclear, however, oxidative stress, as well as serotonergic, adrenergic and
dopaminergic systems are thought to be implicated in ASD. Despite the fact that there is no effective medication
for autism, current pharmacological treatments are utilized to ameliorate some of the symptoms such as selfmutilation,
aggression, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, inattention, hyperactivity, and sleep disorders.
Methods: In accord with the literature regarding the activity of herbal medicines on neurotransmitter function, we
aimed to review the most worthy medicinal herbs possessing neuroprotective effects.
Results: Based on the outcome, medicinal herbs such as Zingiber officinale, Astragalus membranaceu, Ginkgo
biloba, Centella asiatica and Acorus calamus, have antioxidant activity, which can influence neurotransmitter
systems and are potentially neuroprotective.
Conclusion: Consequently, these herbs, in theory at least, appear to be suitable candidates within an overall management
strategy for those on the autism spectrum.
Autism spectrum disorder, herbal medicine, inattention, neurotransmitters, nervous system, dopaminergic.
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