International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Abdellatif Cherifi * and Benamar Bouhafs

DOI: 10.2174/2210327909666191104121230

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Sensitivity Analysis of GaAs-Metamaterial Nanocavity as a Tunable Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor

Page: [1001 - 1011] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The paper reports on typical characteristics of resonant electromagnetic modes propagation through interfaces of a multilayer device.

Methods: Using the transfer matrix method, p-reflectance is analyzed in angular interrogation for a symmetrical cavity performed with left-handed metamaterial layer mediated with GaAs.

Result: An advantage of SPR sensor is demonstrated in terms of optimal performances by controlling thicknesses, refractive indices and dielectric gap layers of the media involved.

Conclusion: The functionality of the proposed design, as a tunable filter, has been also identified.

Keywords: Plasmonic sensor, left-handed material, prism materials, angular sensitivity, sub-wavelength scale, SPR.

Graphical Abstract

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