Letters in Organic Chemistry

Author(s): Rosita Diana, Barbara Panunzi* and Ugo Caruso*

DOI: 10.2174/1570178616666191104094527

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Two Novel π -Conjugated Fluorophores for Dye-Doped LC On-Off Photoluminescence Switching

Page: [340 - 344] Pages: 5

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Among various classes of Photoluminescent (PL) compounds, soft-matter based materials in which chromophores are embedded in a Liquid-Crystal (LC) host polymer prove to be very attractive in the production of flexible panels and on-off temperature switches. Actually, the obtainment of low cost, easily synthesizable, and stable organic molecules soluble in the LC matrix is a challenge for both scholars and technologists. Here we describe the synthesis of two new emissive dyes based on a dicyanophenylenevinylene and on a bis-azobenzene core whose PL properties were investigated as neat solids, in solution, and in particular in a dye-doped LC nematic polymer often employed in PDLC applications. 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopy allow the characterization of all compounds Their thermotropic liquid- crystalline (LC) properties were examined by differential scanning calorimetry and polarizing optical microscopy. Photoluminescence properties were characterized by fluorescence spectra.

Keywords: Photoluminescent compounds, liquid-crystals, photoluminescence quantum yields, chromophores, polymer, fluorescence spectra.

Graphical Abstract

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