Current Drug Research Reviews

Author(s): Emily A. Atkinson*, Anna M.L. Ortiz and Gregory T. Smith*

DOI: 10.2174/2589977511666191021105154

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Affective Risk for Problem Drinking: Reciprocal Influences Among Negative Urgency, Affective Lability, and Rumination

Page: [42 - 51] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Affective disturbances have long been implicated in the onset and maintenance of problematic alcohol use. Affective risk theory for problem drinking has moved beyond early documentation that negative affect broadly confers risk to models specifying specific affectbased risk processes.

Objective: This paper provides a theory-driven review of recent literature on the role of affect-based factors in the etiology of problematic alcohol use. First, we review recent advances in the understanding of affect-based risk for problem drinking. Second, we highlight the importance of three specific affect-based risk factors: urgency, affective lability, and rumination. Third, we offer hypotheses regarding the reciprocal relationships between specific risk factors and drinking problems. Finally, we suggest possible avenues for future research.

Conclusion: Recent advances in the understanding of reciprocal prediction between affect-based risk factors and problem drinking have set the stage for important new avenues of investigation into the risk process. Affect-based risk processes appear to influence each otherover time, and they influence and are influenced by problem drinking. Further understanding of these processes will pave the way for a new generation of intervention strategies.

Keywords: Affect, emotion, problem drinking, personality, risk, alcoholism.

Graphical Abstract

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