Background: Meso-tetra-4-actophenyl-porphyrin (TAcPPH2) was synthesized by reacting 4-
acetyl-benzaldehyde with pyrrole in propionic acid, and used as a ligand for the synthesis of palladium
(II) complex (PdTAcPP). The structure of the ligand and the complex were characterized by NMR and
electronic spectroscopy.
Methods: The antioxidant activity and the binding parameters of both the ligand and its complex with
superoxide anion radical .
(O2 -) were measured using cyclic voltammetry based assay. The assays were
based on the measurement of the anodic peak current density of .
O2− electrochemically generated by
reduction of molecular oxygen in DMF.
Results: The complex PdTAcPP showed the highest antioxidant activity (0.73 ± 0.01 mg/mL) which is
four times higher than that of the standard antioxidant α-tocopherol (3.04 ± 0.03 mg/mL).
Discussion: Binding parameters like binding constants, the ratio of binding constants and binding free
energies were also measured.
Conclusions: The value of the binding free energy ranging from -7.89 kJmol-1 for TAcPPH2 to -17.59
kJ.mol-1for PdTAcPP suggests an electrostatic interaction of .
O2− with TAcPPH2 and PdTAcPP which
has been found to be the dominant interaction mode. The kinetics of the interaction reaction of the
ligand and complex was quantified having second-order rate constant values equal to 0.2 and 1.3 M-1 s-1,
Porphyrin, homogeneous rate constant, cyclic voltammetry, superoxide anion radical, binding parameters, antioxidant
activity coefficient.
Graphical Abstract
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