Current Hypertension Reviews

Author(s): Sheenam Suri, Vikas Kumar*, Satish Kumar, Ankit Goyal, Beenu Tanwar, Jasleen Kaur and Jaspreet Kaur

DOI: 10.2174/1573402115666191007144608

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DASH Dietary Pattern: A Treatment for Non-communicable Diseases

Page: [108 - 114] Pages: 7

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Non-communicable diseases are the major inducer of mortality and morbidity in the Western world. In terms of nutrition, a diet high in fat (particularly saturated fat), salt and sugars have shown to be associated with innumerable incidence of diet- associated health diseases. Dietary modification is a central part of any treatment strategy. The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is one among such healthy dietary patterns, which emphasizes on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods, including whole grains, poultry, fish, and small quantities of red meat, sweets and drinks containing sugar. This study provides certain practical evidence that prolonged adoption of DASH diet which can be a useful treatment for numerous non-communicable diseases with a sustained effect on the health that involves both accessibility and proximity to healthy eating choices. Long-term studies are required to assess whether these effects are maintained over time.

Keywords: DASH diet, non-communicable diseases, treatment, dietary modification, hypertension , health.

Graphical Abstract

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