Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Vikas Thapa, Abhishek Sharma, Beena Gairola, Amit K. Mondal, Vindhya Devalla and Ravi K. Patel*

DOI: 10.2174/2352096512666191004142546

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A Review on Visual Odometry Techniques for Mobile Robots: Types and Challenges

Page: [618 - 631] Pages: 14

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


For autonomous navigation, tracking and obstacle avoidance, a mobile robot must have the knowledge of its position and localization over time. Among the available techniques for odometry, vision-based odometry is robust and economical technique. In addition, a combination of position estimation from odometry with interpretations of the surroundings using a mobile camera is effective. This paper presents an overview of current visual odometry approaches, applications, and challenges in mobile robots. The study offers a comparative analysis of different available techniques and algorithms associated with it, emphasizing on its efficiency and other feature extraction capability, applications and optimality of various techniques.

Keywords: Visual odometry, position estimation, error elimination, appearance-based approach, feature-based approach, hybrid approach.

Graphical Abstract

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