Aim and Objective: This paper presents the quantum cost, garbage output, constant input and number of reversible gate optimized 2:4 decoder using 4×4 new reversible logic gate which is named as reversible decoder block or RD block.
Method: The proposed block is implemented with a quantum circuit and quantum cost of the proposed RD block is 8. The proposed decoder can be designed using only one new proposed block.
Results and Conclusion: The quantum cost, garbage output, constant input and gate number of the proposed 2:4 decoder is 9, 0, 2 and 1 which is better w.r.t previously reported work. The improvement % of quantum cost, garbage output, constant input and number of gates are 12.5 – 77.148 %, 100 %, 33.33 – 75 % and 0 – 85.71%.
Keywords: Reversible logic gate, decoder, quantum cost, garbage output, constant input, 2:4 decoder.