Background: Lectins have been studied in recent years due to their immunomodulatory activities.
Objective: We purified a lectin named OniL from tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) and here we analyzed the cell proliferation and cytokine production in Balb/c mice splenocytes. Methods: Cells were stimulated in vitro in 24, 48, 72 hours and 6 days with different concentrations of OniL and Con A. Evaluation of cell proliferation was performed through [3H]-thymidine incorporation, cytokines were investigated using ELISA assay and cell viability assay was performed by investigation of damage through signals of apoptosis and necrosis. Results: OniL did not promote significant cell death, induced high mitogenic activity in relation to control and Con A and stimulated the cells to release high IL-2 and IL-6 cytokines. Conclusion: These findings suggest that, like Con A, OniL lectin can be used as a mitogenic agent in immunostimulatory assays.Keywords: Oreochromis niloticus, lectin, tilapia fish, cytokines, splenocytes, immunostimulation.