Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Xu Jin* and Guo Yilin

DOI: 10.2174/2352096512666190906105415

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Region Orientation and Converging Magnetic Energy Transmission Based on Novel Structure

Page: [695 - 704] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: As wireless energy transmission technology advances, the demand for energy directional transmission increases.

Objective: Transfer of energy in the specified direction and increase in transmission power.

Methods: A novel three-coil transmitting structure was proposed, which can transmit energy to a specified single or multiple space regions, and enhance the magnetic field strength in a single direction by magnetic field vector synthesis to improve the transmission power.

Results: Combined with Mathcad numerical calculation and Maxwell simulation analysis, the experimental platform was built and the magnetic focusi of the proposed novel structure was experimentally verified.

Conclusion: The novel emission structure can effectively perform directional energy transmission and increase the transmission power by 2~3 times in a single direction at the cost of 10%~15% efficiency loss.

Keywords: Novel launch structure, directional energy transfer, concentrated magnetic energy transfer, wireless energy transfer (WPT), magnetic resonance, shielding topology.

Graphical Abstract

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